Top 10 Common Recruiting Mistakes Interviewers Make During Job Interviews

Top 10 Common Recruiting Mistakes Interviewers Make During Job Interviews

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When we found an infographic on common mistakes candidates make during job interviews, we couldn’t help but think that mistakes happen on the other side of the table too. Here are common recruiting mistakes interviewers make that can turn…
What Happens in an Internet Minute 2016 Infographic

What Happens in an Internet Minute 2016 Infographic

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The latest What Happens in an Internet Minute 2016 infographic offers valuable insights into how consumers are using technology to live, work, play, and shop; here’s what small business marketers need to know. What Happens in an Internet…
Best Free Weather Apps for Truckers, Carriers and Owner Operators

Best Free Weather Apps for Truckers, Carriers and Owner Operators

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Apart from traffic congestion, few factors have the ability to slow or stall truck drivers on the road than bad weather. Check out this list of the best free weather apps truckers can use to avoid bad weather or find shelter before a bad storm…
Customer Satisfaction Survey with a Recipe for Making Customers Happy - Infographic

Customer Satisfaction Survey with a Recipe for Making Customers Happy – Infographic

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You might not be able to manufacture customer happiness, but you can follow this proven recipe for making customer happy, courtesy of a new customer satisfaction survey from Accenture. Customer Satisfaction Survey Reveals Key Drivers for…
What's in the News for Women Truck Drivers and Women-Owned Carriers

What’s in the News for Women Truck Drivers and Women-Owned Carriers

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What's in the News for Women Truck Drivers and Women-Owned Carriers We have previously reported on the growing number of opportunities women truck drivers and leaders have within the transportation industry. Not only are driver and truck technician…
10 Ways Truckers Can Use Semi Trailers for Marketing and More

10 Ways Truckers Can Use Semi Trailers for Marketing and Brand Awareness

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Many trucking companies use semi trailers for marketing and brand awareness by painting the company name and logo there. However, this is just one of many ways truckers can make the most of the broad side of their trailers when it comes to making…
5 Ways Amazon Vendors Get Started Selling on Amazon

5 Avenues for Selling on Amazon

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Selling on Amazon is a great way to get into e-commerce, especially if you want to sell products online but do not have the desire (or means) to build out your own selling platform, apps and online store. 5 Ways Amazon Vendors Get Started…
How-To and Marketing Tips for Vendors Selling on Zulily

How-To and Marketing Tips for Vendors Selling on Zulily

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Are you thinking of selling on Zulily? Find out how to become a Zulily vendor find out what you can do to help boost sales of your brand’s wares selling on Zulily, Amazon or any third party e-commerce site. Is Selling On Zulily Right for…
4 Marketing Strategies Behind 12 Trucking Company Name Ideas

12 Trucking Company Name Ideas for Industry Entrepreneurs

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They say a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet and while that might be true for roses, it doesn’t necessarily follow when it comes to naming a business. Here’s a look at four strategies to help those exploring trucking company…
12 Tips for Recruiters Looking to Attract the Best Candidates - Infographic

Mirror Image: 12 Tips for Recruiters Looking to Attract the Best Candidates

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Recruiters who want to attract the best candidates understand that they bear as much responsibility for outcomes as the candidates they interview do. Here is an infographic list of twenty-four tips to improve hiring outcomes for interviewers…
Here are twelve quotes about mastery from people who hit the top to inspire and challenge business leaders

Be All that You Can Be: 12 Quotes About Mastery in Business

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The yearning for mastery is built into the DNA of successful business leaders. Here are twelve quotes about mastery from people who hit the top to inspire and challenge business leaders to do what it takes to succeed. 12 Quotes About Mastery…
Amazon Expands Trucking, Shipping, Logistics and Delivery

Amazon Expands Trucking, Shipping, Logistics and Delivery

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The latest in Amazon’s pursuit of becoming “The Everything Store” they want to be entails expanding into trucking, shipping, logistics and delivery. Watch as Amazon expands trucking again and find out what’s next for the retail giant…
The Trucking Industry Trends Shaping the Future of Transportation and Logistics Right Now

6 Key Trucking Industry Trends to Watch in 2016

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The transportation industry is awash with change. Let’s take a look at the trucking industry trends shaping both the present and future of the industry right now. The Trucking Industry Trends Shaping the Future of Transportation and Logistics…
will this be the year of women in trucking?

Will 2016 Be the Year of Women in Trucking?

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While trucking careers have been male-dominated in the past, many women are finding success in the transportation industry. With the driver shortage becoming acute, this might well become the year of women in trucking. Advantages for Women…

Top Trucking Industry Concerns of Carriers and Owner Operators

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Two surveys soliciting top trucking industry concerns reveal that potential regulatory changes top the list of topics that may impact truckers this year. Here’s the full list, along with tips that can help a trucking company thrive in 2016.…