25 Places to Find Money to Grow Your Business More Quickly
Business Finance, Cash Flow and Working Capital, EntrepreneursSometimes money is hiding in plain sight, other times you’ll really have to hunt; here are twenty-five places to look when you need to find money to grow your business more quickly.
Find Money to Grow Your Business Hiding in 25 Places

Will 2016 Be the Year of Women in Trucking?
Entrepreneurs, Supply Chain, Trucking and TransportationWhile trucking careers have been male-dominated in the past, many women are finding success in the transportation industry. With the driver shortage becoming acute, this might well become the year of women in trucking.
Advantages for Women…

New Joint Employer Rules Impact Businesses with Temps, Independent Contractors
Entrepreneurs, Hiring and Recruiting, Staffing and Temp AgenciesThe implications of new joint employer rules recently written into the standards that the National Labor Relations Board will apply to rulings going forward make it more likely that a business using independent contractors, temporary employment…

12 Quotes on the Real Cost of Doing Business
Entrepreneurs, Leadership, Quotes
Leadership isn’t awarded, it’s earned. Here are twelve quotes that speak to the cost of doing business business that leaders and business owners must be willing to pay for success.
The Cost of Doing Business: 12 Quotes About…

4 Marketing Strategy Must-Haves for Startups or Any Small Business [Infographic]
Entrepreneurs, Marketing and Branding, Startups
Four marketing strategy must-haves inspired by 30 Digital Marketing Stats [Infographic] that can help startups, entrepreneurs and small business owners attract and engage more customers this year.
[Infographic] 4 Marketing Strategy…

5 Reasons We All Want to Work for Jimmy Fallon
Employee Culture, Entrepreneurs, LeadershipLoveable goofball and Saturday Night Live alum Jimmy Fallon might have been a surprise choice when the time came for Jay Leno to pass the torch for The Tonight Show on, but he’s proven that he the perfect choice. Here are five lessons for…

Go After the Gaps Not the Goliaths in a Competitive Marketplace
Business Strategies, Entrepreneurs, Small Business, StartupsAre you exhausting your resources chasing giants in your industry? You may find that you can grow faster by filling gaps in the competitive marketplace, instead.
Filling Gaps in a Competitive Marketplace is Better than Taking On Big Players

Business Opportunities: 12 Quotes to Inspire Your Inner Business Opportunist
Entrepreneurs, Leadership, QuotesAmerican businessman Victor Kiam once said, “Procrastination is opportunity’s assassin.” Use these twelve motivational quotes about business opportunities to infuse new energy into your inner business opportunist!
12 Motivational Quotes…

How Do You Spell Entrepreneur on Labor Day? L-A-B-O-R!
Entrepreneurs, Seasonal and Holidays, Startups, Supply ChainIn honor of all of the hard working entrepreneurs (and maybe even working hard on Labor Day), here are 7 fast facts about Labor Day in the U.S. as well as a 10-year reference guide to help you plan for this annual one-day holiday.
7 Tidbits…

In Sales You Need a Good Closer and 9 More Baseball Analogies for Business
Employee Culture, Entrepreneurs, Leadership, StartupsSummer and baseball go hand in hand. Since the MLB’s season is nearing its mid-season All Star Break, we thought it was a good time to share these ten business lessons you can only learn from baseball analogies.
Take Me Out to the Ball…

Improve Your Business by Getting Your Own ‘Dear Abby’
Business Strategies, Entrepreneurs, LeadershipEntrepreneurs and small business owners often feel like they have to go it alone when it comes to building their organizations; but wouldn’t it be great if you had your own personal "Dear Abby" source of business advice?
Ever Wish for Your…

What Does Your Brand Boil Down To?
Entrepreneurs, Marketing and Branding, StartupsMany business owners find it difficult to articulate brand characteristics likely to turn stakeholders into loyal brand advocates. If you had to boil your brand down to just a few words, what would be left?
Answer 6 Questions to Discover…

4 Ways to Avoid Seasonal Slowdowns During the Summer
Cash Flow and Working Capital, Entrepreneurs, Marketing and BrandingIf your business experiences seasonal slowdowns, here are four ways you can give in order to get more customers and sales this summer.
Avoiding Seasonal Slowdowns During the Summer Means Mastering the Art of the Give
Whether your business…

Taking Action – 12 Quotes on the Merits of Doing
Entrepreneurs, Leadership, StartupsNo matter what needs to be done, nothing will get done unless someone takes action. These twelve inspirational quotes about taking action can get you up off your chair and into motion so that you can get stuff done.
12 Motivational Quotes…

Customer Engagement – What’s Your Marketing Soup of the Day?
Customer Retention, Entrepreneurs, Marketing and BrandingCustomer engagement is going to be nigh-impossible if nothing about your business (or your website, your social networks, your email newsletter, etc.) ever changes. Here are ten customer engagement marketing ideas to help you capture – and…