These five shocking questions will get the attention of your target markets, intrigue and engage them. What’s more, following through on their answers will earn you referrals, brand advocacy and foster customer loyalty for the long term.
You can foster customer loyalty by asking questions, if you’re ready to hear the answers.
Sometimes getting the attention of even your most loyal customers can be nearly impossible. People are busy and time is valuable. Here are five questions you can ask that will get the attention of your target audience, boost customer satisfaction and help you foster customer loyalty and referrals.
Many organizations say they are (or want to be) customer-centric in terms of being open to what customers want and responsive in accommodating customer preferences when they can. Companies that find ways to really listen (e.g., Starbucks’ “My Starbucks Idea” program) and risk investing resources based on what their customers say set themselves apart from competitors, foster customer loyalty and create vocal brand advocates.
Given that many businesses have suggestion boxes, contact forms, social media profiles and other means by which customers can submit simple-to-profoundly transformative ideas, why aren’t more of them known for innovation? One big reason is that most companies are meeting customer expectations – that is, companies are meeting the customer’s expectations that their ideas, suggestions and feedback will be rejected, disregarded or ignored altogether.
We tried to find research and statistics about the number of companies that have suggestion programs, how many suggestions are implemented and whether there’s a positive effect for organizations that surprise and delight customers by actually acting on their ideas – only there isn’t any.
None. Nada. Zero.
They think they can foster customer loyalty with deals and discounts and points and stamps and rewards. What they are really doing is training customers to earn the prize, and hoping to foster customer loyalty in the process. Small wonder that customers rarely bother submitting ideas and suggestions, and that more simply defect without even giving you a chance to correct a problem.
- For every customer complaint there are 26 other unhappy customers who have remained silent (Lee Resource)
- 96% of unhappy customers don’t complain, however 91% of those will simply leave and never come back (1Financial Training Services)
It’s time to turn the tables and reset customer expectations; but it could be an uphill battle. How can you get the attention of your target markets long enough to let them know that your organization is truly committed to their satisfaction?
5 Shocking Questions to Ask to Foster Customer Loyalty
1. When do you need it?
Customers always want to know how long they’ll have to wait, and most companies respond with a stock answer based on the time it takes to process the order, ship or deliver or fulfill services expected. Surprise your customers from the get go by asking them, When do you need it?
There’s no more effective way to demonstrate that you really care about your customer than by asking about their personal situation. What they need. When they need it. With the implication that they can stop worrying, because you know when they need it and you’re going to deliver. You got this.
2. What could we have done better?
In the absence of customer dissatisfaction, most customer transactions occur without any notable follow up. What if you asked every customer if there were something – big or small – you could have done differently or better to improve their experience?
Chances are, most customers will simply reaffirm to you that they had a good experience. Those that don’t may provide you with simple, cheap and easy ways to improve the customer experience for everyone. Plus, by acting on suggestions, you tell customers that they really are number one in your book.
Customers who see you implementing their ideas will proudly tell friends and co-workers about the positive way they impacted your business, and they’ll positively glow as they share press releases, blog posts or social updates where you’ve called them out to thank them publicly for their help.
3. Is there anything we carry that you choose to buy elsewhere? Why?
You might be surprised to find that customers have great ideas when it comes to expanding your inventory. Plus, by adding items to your inventory they’re now buying from direct and indirect competitors, you can increase average ticket and local market share. A win-win, where you get both wins.
4. What one thing should we try to do differently next year?
Remember JCPenney’s re-branding fiasco? It was a classic case of an organization that decided they needed to change but failed to consult their brand advocates, loyal customers and members of their target markets prior to designing and implementing change. The result? A complete and utter financial flop which disoriented and dismayed customers, many of whom have yet to give the retailer another chance.
Before implementing change in your organization (or when determining how you can change in order to grow more quickly, become more profitable and ensure that you’re keeping pace with industry changes or marketplace demand), run it past your customers!
Give customers a chance to weigh in before making planned changes or in order to identify ways you can improve or expand your business. You will be more likely to avoid costly mistakes and you’ll also gain tacit buy-in among customers who will then be on-board and excited when the changes are implemented.
5. Can we make a donation to your favorite charity?
Businesses are often asked to donate goods or money to local charities and auctions; some small business owners get so many requests that they simply put a moratorium on donations.
Instead of turning requests away, why not create a give-back program that encourages customers to submit a favorite local charity. Depending on what your business can afford, each month you could draw one or more charities to win a $25 gift or gift card.
Not only will customer’s whose charities are chosen feel all warm and fuzzy about your business, they’ll tell others about the program. Your store and website will have more traffic and your business will have increased brand awareness. Plus, you can write up each month’s donation as a press release and blog or website content which can help boost your SEO as well as provide your business with a steady stream of positive publicity.
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