
What Do the Best Invoice Factoring Companies Do?
B2B, Invoice FactoringWhen comparing the services offered by the best invoice factoring companies, here are some things to keep in mind:
what they do and which services they offer
how their process works
what sets them apart from other factoring companies

7 Intangibles Set the Best Invoice Factoring Companies Apart
Invoice FactoringCharacteristics of the Best Business Invoice Factoring Companies
Apart from factoring rates and advance amounts, what factoring companies do – the services they provide – are basically the same from Factor to Factor. Though we help clients…

What is Invoice Factoring, Anyway?
B2B, Business Finance, Invoice FactoringWhat is invoice factoring? It's a financing tool that has been used for centuries to speed up cash flow and unlock working capital.
Many B2B businesses that invoice their customers discover that waiting for their customers to pay means waiting…